Jewellery in Bangalore |
This is the list of Jewellery Manufacturers and Jewellery Suppliers in bangalore. Currently there are 239 businesses listed in Jewellery in bangalore.
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List of Jewellery Manufacturers and Jewellery Suppliers in India
Shanti Jewellery Works
13/1, Sarakki Mn Road, J P Nagar1st Ph, Bangalore, Bangalore |
5/3, T S Lane, Nagarathpet Cross, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Shivashankar Jewellery Works
No41 A,9th Cross,5th Mn Road, Pdmnb Nagar Bangalore, Bangalore |
Shravan Jewellery Work
16, Rukmaji Lane, Blpet Bangalore, Bangalore |
Shree Mahalasa Jewellery Works
182, K G Nagar Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
86, Ct Streetrt, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sree Pulakunta Jewellers
58, Sanjeevappa Lane, Avenue Road Cross, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sree Srinivasa Jewellery
27, Chowdeswari Templel Street, Ave Road Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sree Vijayalakshmi Jewells
165, Avenue Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Ananth Jewellers
# G-16, Sakalajee Market, Avenu Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Balaji Bangle Works
J Laxmi Complex,33, A R Lane, C T Street Cross, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Dhanalakshmi
256, Nagendr Block,50 Ft Road, B S K3 Stage, Bangalore50, Bangalore |
Sri Ganesh Jewellery Works
784/24,7 Cr, Roomnjny Road, Hnmnth Nagar, Bangalore19, Bangalore |
Sri Kamala Jewellery House
143, Avenue Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Mahadeshwara Jewellery Works
No270,10th A Mn, Hnmt Nagar Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Manjunath Jewellery Works
#19/61,1st Mn,3rd Cross, Mrti Nagar, Mdwl Bangalore68, Bangalore |
Sri Manjunatha Jewellery Works
44/22,12 Cross, W Grounddn, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Raghavendra Jewellery Works
3,2 Cr, Nandadeepa,7 Mn Ngpp Block S R Prm Bangalore10, Bangalore |
Sri Someshwara Jewellery Works
39/5, Car Street, Ulsr Bazar Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Vaishnavi Jewellers
112, Neela Complex, C T Street, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Vasavamba Jewellery Works
1 Cross, Old Police Streetn Road, K R Prm Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Venkatachala Jewellery Works
858, Nagarathpet, Bangalore02, Bangalore |
Sri Venkateshwara Jewellery
35/1, M Mln, Nagrathpcrsm, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sri Vijaya Jewellers
No9,26th Mn,9th Block, J Nagar East Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sriganesh Jewellers
39, Raja Market, Avenue Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Srinidhi Jewellers
No621, Ave Road Bangalore, Bangalore |
Srinidhi Jewellery Works
156, R T Street, Balepet Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sudarshan Jewellery Mart
532, Avnue Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Suhas Jeweller Works
22/2, Rajalaxmi Complex, T S Lane, N Pet Cross Bangalore2, Bangalore |
Sundeep Jewellers
10 G/ F Ranganatha Mansion145 Avenue Road Bangalore2, Bangalore |
Sunder Jewellery Works
337,1 N Block, Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Sunrise Jewellers
Rajamrkt,avenuerd,bangalore, Bangalore |
Suraj Jewellery Works
28,50 Ft. Road, Padmanabha Nagar, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Swaranaa Bushan
74, Nagarathpet Mn Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Swetha Jewellers
25, S S Complex, Chowdeshwari Temple Street, Bangalore2, Bangalore |
T.R.Eshwarachar Gold Smith
9,ganigaradln,mbtst,jmrdcrs, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Thatha Padmanabhaiah Shetty Jewl
36,iflr,mjnmkt,ctstreet, Bangalore, Bangalore |
V L Jewellery Works
17/1, Baba Market, I Floor, O K Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
V N S Jewellers
10 Vijayashree Building H Siddaiah Road, W G, Bangalore27, Bangalore |
V Sridhar Raju
52-1, Mallikarjunappa Lane, Avenue Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
V.P.Goldsmith Works
43,mmlane,nagarathpet, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Vajra Mahal
3, Avenue Road Chowck, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Vajram Jewellery
532/19, Dudi Market, Avenue Road Bangalore, Bangalore |
Vani Veni Jewellery Works
13/1, Aruna Complex, M Mln, Nagrethp Cross, Bangalore |
Vasavi Jewells
62, Golden P Laza, Avenue Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Vikas Jewellers
840, Neela Complex, C T Street, Bangalore, Bangalore |
Vishnu Jewellery Works
72/1, Appurayappa A Le, Sdn Le, N Tpet Cr Bangalore2, Bangalore |
Viswam Jewellery
283, Avenue Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
B S Puttaiya & Sons
33, Opposite. Abhinay, B V K Iyengar Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
B.Ashok Kumar Jain
88, Sunkalpet Main Road, Bangalore, Bangalore |
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