Plastic Bags in Kolkata |
This is the list of Plastic Bags Manufacturers and Plastic Bags Suppliers in kolkata. Currently there are 16 businesses listed in Plastic Bags in kolkata.
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List of Plastic Bags Manufacturers and Plastic Bags Suppliers in India
Bhiwaniwala Bags Mfg Co
135, Cotton Street,, Kolkata Kolkata |
C D Polymers
108, Mahatma Gandhi Road,, Kolkata Kolkata |
Calcutta Plastics & Variety St
44 Ezra Streetret,, Kolkata Kolkata |
Gagdish Prasad Lohariwala & Co
70, Cotton Street,, Kolkata Kolkata |
Hap- Enterprises
71, B. R. B. Basu Road,5th Floor, Room- A511, Kolkata |
Hitesh Plastic
54 Canning Street, Kolkata Kolkata |
International Plastic Industry
134/1, M. G. Road, Floor-3, Room-58,, Kolkata Kolkata |
Pearl Poly Industries P Ltd
7 A, Middle Ton Street,, Kolkata Kolkata |
Plasha Polymers
P-16, New C. I. T. Road, Floor-4,, Kolkata Kolkata |
1 A& B, Black Burn Lane,, Kolkata Kolkata |
Progressive Plastics
73 F, B. T Road, P. O- Panihati24 Pgs( N),, Kolkata Kolkata |
R B Industries
13, Royd Street2nd Floor, Kolkata |
Ritik International
12, B. B. D. B A G H( E A S T), Kolkata Kolkata |
Sd Trading Co
11, Pollock Street(7th Fl),, Kolkata Kolkata |
Sreyans Polyfabs
56, Balaram Dey Street,, Kolkata Kolkata |
Swastik Trading Corporation
210 Jamunalal Bajaj Street6th Floor,, Kolkata Kolkata |
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